Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"She gives him wings" - work in progress.....Pt3

Added a Fractal fingertip forest and made a couple of little adjustments but pretty much spent the arvo, making new fractals and helping a mate finish a project. Not long now!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"She gives him wings" - work in progress.....Pt2

Nearly finished..... Re did about twelve layers as i've had issues with Layer Options, too many filters on too many layers. It was loosing all it's effects when i'd flatten it. I went back in and pulled all the layers apart reopened them in a new document then one by one redrew them all and flattened them before importing them back....... CRAP, but it looks a treat now and it's nearly finished.

A Dreamland Metatronic Meditation Activation

Monday, September 12, 2011

"She gives him wings" - work in progress.....

Part of a new one i'm working on. I keep loosing "Layer Options" etc, like transperancy values and style pallet options when i flatten the image, so it's a little different than expected. Pretty frustrating actually, but hey I'll sort it out..... Any idea's???

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Prints of most of my work are now available:
giclee A1 A2 A3 A4 (French Linen 200gms)
Canvas from A3 - Custom, everything from small to 5M prints
Vinyl Prints from A2 - 5M x 3M

Please contact me @ livingspiritdesign@gmail for a complete price list or for a custom order

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lost in the ether.....

Sometimes it's a good idea to back stuff up.... lost about five years worth of digital art when i moved house...... hahahaha time for more new ones.... This is part of one i lost to the ether......

It is what it is, the grand master plan never fails to amaze me.

quote of the day.....

‎"It is impossible for you to spiritually ascend, because you are already there. Your higher self has chosen to manifest in this dimension to experience. You may have forgotten it, but you can not ascend to something that you already are...... you just become aware of where your persieving it from...... you can't ascent because you are every single vibrational aspect." Alex Retrov

Monday, September 5, 2011

Heart Vs Brain

Preliminary study for my new piece....... seem to be stuck on something or one at the moment, so it's time for an opening of the heart and mind. Time for patience and a present mind. Let's see how far this one goes, pretty happy with the start of it right now. Reminds me of an old old painting that i did that ended up getting stolen!

Bless'd am I for in this state of mind and heart I am truly happy.